
Good morning world…

Having walked down to the harbour, a winters morning, wild wet, nature, we got the dog, we got big stuff on , keep out the cold, inside the cafe
local hot pasties, yeah breakfast, and mighty mugs o hot milk coffee,its early, we got sleep in our faces and its so fucking good, so fucking good to have this reality, we got no serious, just the vibe, the ocean vibe, seagulls scream, the wind blowing howls outa the blue,….c589711165f6e81ec47947095e5954d9


Earthed out

So what i am enjoying here is i came upon my self… i took some free handouts from those who went on before me, they left vibrations which have a real nice value, you know standing with my o,l lady in the kitchen cooking bread with some sounds on, with scruffy dog watching on from next to the woodburner,now this is a value,the vibration of the doing,the being of being in this experience, which gives us a good good feeling, oh yeah oh yeah….c1378bfe43a62e22e496488fd6a6aaa4


The big calm

come round in a big o,l circle… ups downs round and rounds… getting rid o shit, bringing stuff through, getting a tie on me….. found i,m a watcher , found i like my feet on the ground, smokey highs, for sure, on the earth o.k,  it,s about not loosing it, some folks walked here before me, some of the intrepid, s from the sixties and seventies,  folk who have cooked this cake before, so i picked up on what they got, mellow- wise, they got mellow-wisdom.. we talking doing the everyday the way we feel it, earthy mellow and smiley high,,,,.flowers






So i never really, like totally understood how completely fucked up the church minds of the world are, or shall i say WERE, cos they are now decreasing very rapidly, the energy is draining from them as i speak , and it seems er so clearly that something old and completely unstoppable is awakening, and its not out of the minds of man but nature itself, the very thing that the church were so very afraid of many years ago….its lusty and childlike and powerful beautifully powerful…



I am the great designer,

i always was,

its just nobody tells you these things.

Invoke>>>>Evoke<<< check these words out, see how they apply  to you.

Stuff can get caught in the sieve of life,whether from inside outwards,or outside inwards, sometimes exceptional clarity allows the important things in life to flow er’ so freely…[ then we see results]  if you are able to choose these  desires unhindered, and more,able to set them moving with life, then truly you are identifying with self………and some who may be afraid, will say, he is acting like someone greater, we must remove him…………..



i will have no doubt upon my plate,

i do not hunger for it,

rather will i cast certain seed within the boundless,

that i may welcome the guest i have called upon.




so 1 +1+1=3 if its a FACT

                       likewise,if for me damp+moss+woodland=joy, then for me that is a fact,

          for me!yeah

                                       religion is like that,  if it fits for you then all well and good,

                             so why not go into the brave place and create your own religion,

essentialy that would be along the lines of a true sense of self,in part.

              if humans were off the planet ,then at that moment what is left is everything as it stands in its own true sense of self,     what alters that picture is the human mind introducing thought processes which are attached mentally to those specific things whatever they are which are non human.

                                 It is therefore easy to see that the vast majority of what we have here on planet earth is actually mind,and that will be mind action /interaction which we cannot even see, in large areas of life we only “experience” physically the effects of that and those mind processes.

The world as we know it is definately(fact) held together with mind,mind,MIND………………………


BADLY WIRED ROBOTS WHICH ARE IN CONTROL OF OTHER ROBOTS THAT FUNCTION ON GIVEN MISLEADING PROGRAMES ARE DANGEROUS and it seems are on some kind of cheap bastard breeding increase,i mean its disgustingly sloppy, allowing cheap mindless shit to flaunt that ugly gutless hold all over the globe……………..but there we have it,

                                  as long as the few alone burn the light in the tower, then there aint much hope,IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

              Fuckin wake up world PLEASE<<<<<<<<<<<>>>>>>>>>>
                                              enoughs enough..



whats ,wots,being said here is also luvly and simple,

1+1+1 DOES NOT ALWAYS =3,oh yes the power freaks and shitheads of planet earth?would really pee there panties if the human mind played the game,like just shush you up neat and nice and tidy like……………..


then came ME! the teaser,teasing out the knots,unravelling the mirage,

i truly used to hate! or thought i used to hate the annoyingly deceptive lies,

the never ending game of tricks and schemes,

                           but not now,

i see into your eyes and the history gone, and that which lies within and upon the pages unwritten,

oh yes from parents, freinds, lovers, parliment,doctors,religion,shops,tobacco companies,councils,landlords,

         its everywhere ,the illusion, the story, the lie, the deception,

                                  THE GREAT GRAND ILLUSION…………………

its not just cricket anymore,and its all coming from the interior of the human skull,everything is the way its always ever been,except that now its a little  twisted.

Perhaps i should say a little more twisted,its been happening like forever pretty much,the massive one upmanship trip,

its totally laughable and so is the human race.

Stay simple.View things in completeness.Stay away from the sticky stories of illusion.

You are as likely to find true happiness and joy walking down a dusty lane in wales as you are on the great asian pilgrimage.

The answer is in knowing that there are no answers.

Yet there is bliss in bliss.



Take a motorbike,

call it a Harley Davison,

have things to surround it with,

magazines,stereotype,create harley clothing etc etc etc.


Take a country,Nepal,put in the mountains,the searching outsiders,food etc etc etc,

take anything in life , paint a picture with it ,about it around it,shoes pants food dogs buildings,

do you get it,do you get it, do you get it,

i have got it……………………………….so……….. if everything was to stand within its own beingness,without the fabricated surroundings, to stand alone within its own true identity ,within its own space,

                                  Well then we would be looking at life in a very different way,

free of association life is very much simpler,so much more easy,

I may well wish to spend sometime within the clarity of ISNESS in its own true expression,

most peoples heads are just about as full of twisted identity as those things that have very misleadingly been CREATED falsely from a story or tale in order to make that thing appear to be what or how we come to percieve it,

we are in the main seeing these things, places, people, history, in an illusiory fashion,

the lies are not really lies in a way which is meant to mislead or mis- direct intentionly,though in some cases humans,……and lets be honest here its always been a human that has fabricated the essence of ISNESS,yet nontheless the stories have clouded the vision all over the world year upon year upon year,

Things do not sell without the MAKEUP…………………

though in some really BEAUTIFULL cases the picture is oh so real ….and i for one really really love that realness,it has for ME got EVERYTHING going for it,

Yeah i love that,whether it be a person, place, food, clothing, give me, always give me that thing without the MAKEUP.

I resent BULLSHIT,wherever its from ,minds countries,politics,its all a bunch of fucking lies,

its a more silent life yeah for sure,but at least its nice and real……..

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